Productivity - a 4-letter word for therapists

This image was created with the assistance of DALL·E 2 - An abstract watercolor of productivity

Why is p*********** a 4-letter word to a therapist’s ears? Have you asked yourself - why do therapists often recoil at this term?

If your private practice has "productivity" targets, it might be a question you want to consider.

Now, productivity isn't inherently negative. For a practice to flourish and serve its community, it must be efficient and profitable. Both practice owners and therapists understand that.

However, as the timeless adage goes: "It's not what you say, it's what people hear."

The misstep for many practices lies in their communication approach. The dialogue surrounding “productivity” often conveys:

  • A lack of trust, suggesting therapists are inherently unproductive and need monitoring — despite their advanced degrees and expertise.
  • An overemphasis on business metrics rather than genuine client care.
  • A perception that a therapist's worth is gauged purely by numerical output, overshadowing the profound difference they make in patients' lives.
  • The implication that the quality of care might be compromised in favor of numerical achievements.

The true challenge is building an organization where therapists feel valued and ready for success.

Enter training and technology.

Technology can reduce the administrative and paperwork burden on therapists, helping them become naturally more efficient — while simultaneously making their jobs less stressful.

On the training side, equipping therapists with clear and easy to understand organizational guidelines minimizes errors and inefficiencies, from scheduling mishaps to claim rejections.

Remember, in a thriving practice, both therapists and the business can succeed — it's not a zero-sum game.